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DIXIEMANIA - Libro de visitas

Here you can find the archive of the Dixiemania guestbook with entries until January 2017.

Dorothy Russell     17 Noviembre 2010 23:36 |
Maria: I really loved your write-up about the Islenos. I am Islenos and I live in St. Bernard, LA. I am proud of my heritage and was always taught to be so. My late godmother was the Curator of the Islenos Museum. I was born and raised in Delacroix and eventually Meraux in St. Bernard, Louisiana. My father was a fisherman who grew to own his own seafood business as well as a trapper who grew to own his own trapping business in St. Bernard. He has since retired and has been relocated (Katrina) since 2005 with my mother. My father's mother was a Morales (one of the original families who came here). My mother's mother was a Campo. All of my family is Islenos and many married other Islenos. We are strong people who have all faced many adversities. You are correct in writing about our language. It is a Castilian Spanish (Old Canarian). My grandparents only spoke to one another in this language and did not speak it in public. We were encouraged to speak the English language and no other while myself and my siblings were going to school. We "lived off the land" and mastered the art of living that way. I am proud to know that I can do the same and teach my children to live the same way because that is the way that I was brought up. I am a proud Islenos. Thank you for your great article :)

Neil Schell     10 Noviembre 2010 18:45 | Vancouver/Nairobi
A pleasure to meet you online Marie. Looking forward to working with you. Schell we...?


Ingrid alias Cosi     06 Noviembre 2010 02:20 | München
Liebe M. Th. Glückwunsch zur tollen Seite! Weiter vielen Grüßen von Powerfrau zu Powerfrau!!

LG aus München, Ingrid

Lisa Fitz     12 Octubre 2010 18:04 | Bayern
Und die Dixiemania ist superdupertoll!
Würde am liebsten gleich mitsingen!!!!

Liebe Grüße


Barbara Bogon     11 Octubre 2010 14:40 | Berlin
Meine liebe Marie Theres,
Zugegeben, es könnte ein Wimpernschlag mehr gewesen sein, den ich von Dir abgelenkt war, aber das diese zwei, vielleicht auch drei Wimpernschläge (– ich schwöre, mehr waren es wirklich nicht), ausreichen, um eine neues Universum, Urknall inklusive, entstehen zu lassen... Unglaublich! Wo war ich denn nur all die Zeit? Auf dem Mond? Unter der Dusche? Auf dem Klo?
Marie, die Du in den Kleidern der 20er Jahre so wunderschön aussiehst, mit großer Freude entdecke ich Dich immer wieder neu und anders. Ich bin gespannt auf Dein Buch, freue mich auf ein Wiedersehen, hoffentlich mit Dixiemania, in Berlin und nicht vergessen: Musik ist der Dosenöffner der Seele (H. Miller)
Fühl Dich ganz fest umarmt,

157 Entradas en el libro de visitas